Yipppeeee!! We made it, one whole month! Thank you to everyone that has commented here, it really is motivating to see what everyone is doing and to read your thoughts. Congrats to all of you who have completed this month, what a milestone!
This morning I was watching Lucy entertain herself. It is so much fun to see her move from activity to activity and absorb it all. She sat in a big pile of books looking carefully at each page, touching the pictures on each one, then she saw her flash cards. It brings me such incredible joy to see her at age 2 1/2, pull out flashcards with so much excitement. She starts yelling "Open! Open! Peeeease!!! Pitty Peeease!!!" She is learning so much so fast, it's just the most incredible thing.
Soft and Faded photo action by Pioneer Woman -
Projekt 365 Project Life
8 years ago