So my picture for today... It's the end of the semester at school and each quarter, Kate's kindergarten teacher sends home their journal. It is such a treat for me to read through and see her ideas (and her invented spelling). This page in particular cracked me up...
Her writing says, "buy camouflage". I think that's a darn smart idea - and so darn funny too!
I had a few people ask about the color on my pictures. I'm completely addicted to post processing now, I love photo actions. I always sharpen my pics and fix the exposure and contrast. The last one of Lucy, I used Annie Manning's Perfection Action, I bought it after looking at the before and afters on her blog
here. You can get it along with a few others at Oscraps -
here. My other favorite actions are by Pioneer Woman (she's got two sets now, and they're free!) get them
here and
here. (one note about the actions though, they're not available for Elements :( I'm also starting to learn and use Lightroom - it's amazing what you can make better with all the sliders there. Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments!! It really makes this project that much more fun!