Sunday, October 18, 2009

Days 285 - 291

This is one of Lucy's first drawings, she drew a ghost, it has fingers, ears, hair, legs and toes - love it!

A quick pic of Kate and her dad, he was listening to her read a story from school. How about Kate's cheezy smile!

Lucy being Lucy.

So Kate and I were looking through this journal that she keeps by her bed. I love that she loves to write, but... this page is all about her boyfriends! Noooo!! lol! I was trying really hard to play it cool. She's just so sweet, she thinks everyone is nice and I'm sure every boy in her class is a "boy friend". She's only in first grade, I'm not ready for this stuff! The next page was all about her sister, and the one after that? It was fire safety rules - ha ha! What a wide range of interests!

Kate showing me she's going to be 7 on Friday!

Kate's new Karate uniform.

We curled up in my bed and watched a movie together this afternoon.


  1. Great pictures.... Happy Birthday!

  2. so wunderful pictures!! Kate ´s going to be 7 - great sure she is so exciting!?

    Wish you a wonderful birthday party and a nice weekend!
