Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Days 187 & 188

It's time for Lucy to have a "big girl" room. She's been sleeping with Noah and his ark of animals since she was a baby. I found this adorable mermaid set and she's so excited. We bought her a new bed and dresser too. I'm hoping to paint the room this weekend and even paint a couple of mermaids on her walls. I'll add more pics when it's done.
Picture of Kate so intently playing at the sand and water table. I love her look of concentration.


  1. Love the bright colors in the new bedspread. Haven't had much time to check in while we are on vacation, but just looked at some of your older photos. Looks like you guys have been keeping busy and having fun!

  2. Love the new bedding!

    Ok, Em was standing here looking over my shoulder and asked me...."What her name?" I told her Lucy, then she said "she sleep all by herself, what is she a grown up?" Yeah, Em (at 5) hasn't mastered that yet so anyone who has must be a grown up.

  3. love the bright colours in the new bed stuff and Lucy´s great smile! Can´t wait to see your painting!

    Great pic of Kate concentrating!!
