Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 156

Kate got the nicest postcard from one of her Karate instructors, it made us both feel warm and fuzzy! It says, "Hi Ma'am! You did an excellent job in class on Wednesday, not only were your hook kicks looking strong, but the new blocks we worked on with our nun chucks looked awesome too. Keep up the focused work. You make an excellent blackbelt-in-training!" I though it was so nice of her to send it and to write such a thoughtful and personal note. I'm also including a recent picture that Kate drew, it just fits this post perfectly!
btw, I'm not perfectly clear on this, but it looks as though this may be a karate princess... is that a crown?...


  1. I LOVE the toes and the tongue! What a great thing for her instructor to do!

  2. really beautiful artwork and a cute card! Congrats for doing this great job!
